Aloe Vera: list of Aloe Vera nutrition facts and its full details

What makes a food make super delicious or what makes a fruit make super sweet? The answer is very simple - its nutrients.

Vitamin C makes orange a wonderful fruit, curcumin the active ingredient in turmeric makes turmeric a super herb. Where does Aloe Vera stand in this list?

What is Aloe Vera?

We all know very well Aloe Vera, Aloe Vera is a succulent plant species grows wild in tropical climate around the world and is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses.For many years,this plant has gained immense popularity for its beauty, health,skin care and weight loss.

Aloe Vera is a very Short-Steemed plant growing to 60-100 cm tall. The leaves are thick and fleshy, green to grey-green, with some varieties showing white flecks on their uppermost and lowermost stem surfaces.There about at least 160 important ingredients identified in Aloe Vera leaves and its Aloe Vera Juice is very famous and its has several health benefits.

You can often find Aloe Vera as a gel form, that typically comes from the inner parts of  the Aloe Vera leaf.There is also latex find in the Aloe plant, which comes from right under the leaf's skin and is more yellow in skin.

What is Aloe Vera Nutrition?

Aloe Vera contains some amounts of several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A (beta-carotene), C, E, folic acid, and Choline, along with antioxidants that help fight free radicals. It also contains minerals like calcium, chromium, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, and zinc to help your body’s everyday metabolic functions. 

Though not all have been extensively researched by today’s medical science but demonstrated through actual usage and experience.

What makes Aloe Vera so unique? What is its nutritional profile? Let’s have a look.

Aloe Vera Nutrition List

Aloe Vera is known to have more than 75 active nutrients which make it very special.It is very rare for a single plant to have so many nutrients.
Aloe Vera has vitamins B and C, minerals, amino acids, sugars, enzymes, etc. which makes it a powerhouse.

Some more details information about nutrients present in Aloe Vera are:


Vitamins are organic substances which are needed by our body to properly function.There are several types of vitamins and each has a role to play.

Aloe Vera is rich in many vitamins including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E – all these are anti-oxidants.It also has other vitamins such as Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, folic acid and choline.

Studies also suggests that Aloe Vera also improves the bio availability of vitamin B and C.


As vitamins are organic substance needed by our body, minerals are inorganic ones. Aloe vera is rich in several minerals which makes it special.
The minerals are – calcium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc, sodium, chlorine, etc.


Without enzymes, our cells will stop working. Enzymes act as a catalyst and increase the rate of cell reactions which otherwise may take decades or more to complete.
Aloe Vera is rich in several enzymes – Oxidase, Amylase, Catalase, Lipase, Bradykininase, Alkaline Phosphatase, carboxypeptidase, aliiase, cellulose, peroxidase.


These are naturally occurring aromatic organic compounds which aid in digestion and also known to have antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Aloe Vera has 10 anthraquinones including – Emodin, aloin, Resistannol, Anthranol, Aloetic Acid, Isobarbaloin, etc.


Aloe vera is rich in monosacchardies and polysaccharides. These are derived from the mucilage layer of aloe vera leaf. These include – mannose-6-phosphate, Acemannan, alprogen, Aldopentose, etc.

Fatty Acids:

Fatty acids present in Aloe Vera are cholesterol, campesterol, β-sisosterol and lupeol and are known to have anti-inflammatory benefits.


 Hormones are chemicals released by cells to stimulate other body parts, for example, thyroid gland produces growth hormone.
Plant hormones are known to stimulate human cells and thus can prove to be beneficial. Plant hormones Auxins and gibberellins found in aloe vera are believed to provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

Aloe Vera: list of Aloe Vera nutrition facts and its full details Aloe Vera: list of Aloe Vera nutrition facts and its full details Reviewed by vaibhav jhalani on September 20, 2019 Rating: 5


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